Rinforzare il sistema immunitario con i rimedi naturali

Strengthen the immune system with natural remedies

How important it is to have a strong immune system ready to react to external attacks is well known, even more so in this period in which the ongoing global pandemic makes it a priority to try to keep diseases related to the winter period under control: natural remedies can help us strengthen the immune system.

Colds, coughs, sore throats, occasional fevers, bone pain... the ailments linked to the autumn and winter months have been known to us since we were children and we have learned to live with them. However, they are a real nuisance and - in this period in which the world is fighting against the Covid-19 pandemic - they can also cause some concern: keeping these forms under control is in fact now more important than ever, so as not to overload the medical system and infection tracing. There are several natural remedies that can help us strengthen the immune system , so as to be less likely to get sick with forms of flu or paraflu and, in any case, to face the winter months with greater energy and health.

Natural remedies to strengthen the immune system

Let's talk for example about griffonia , a plant whose effect on increasing mood thanks to the stimulation of serotonin production is known, as is its ability to regulate sleep-wake rhythms. What does mood have to do with the immune system? Stress is directly related to the lowering of the immune defenses, therefore a depressed mood, but also a non-restful sleep expose us to attacks by pathogens. Therefore, high mood, good rest, physical activity and, why not, even help from nature can be a real energy cocktail for our immune system. For the same reason, taking passionflower can also be useful: it has a strong calming action, is anxiolytic (meaning that it reduces the levels of anxiety we are subjected to) and is also useful in cases of excessive stress, nervousness, irritability, depression. Valerian also helps keep anxiety and agitation under control and is a useful supplement in case of sleep disorders.

We then have a series of elements whose effect is direct on the immune system: we are talking for example about Vitamin C , contained as we know in citrus fruits for example, but also in plants such as acerola which are an excellent source, but also of Q. The latter has long been known for its protective effect on bones, but an ever-increasing number of studies also directly correlate it with the well-being of the immune system. Fermented Papaya can also be taken to boost our defenses, while echinacea and propolis are traditional remedies for colds (echinacea) and sore throats (propolis).

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