Dal classico collirio per occhi secchi agli iniettabili: le preparazioni sterili in farmacia

From classic eye drops for dry eyes to injectables: sterile preparations in pharmacies

Have you ever bought eye drops for dry eyes produced by a pharmacy? Or for example eye drops for your child prescribed by a pediatrician? Or have you ever had to make intravitreal injections to protect your eyes from damage caused by different types, perhaps with a specific formulation? Well, all these products from pharmacies have one important point in common: they are sterile preparations , which as such can only be prepared by those who have a particularly equipped galenic laboratory.

From dry eye drops to pediatric eye drops

Even leaving aside for a moment the injectable solutions - which intuitively require special procedures - we often do not stop to think that even what we use for example for the eyes must be produced in a sterile environment: certainly not in scientific terms, we could in fact say that the eye is a privileged way to enter our body and naturally the last thing we would want is to favor the entry of pathogens of any kind while we try to alleviate annoying symptoms. This is why even the simple eye drops for dry eyes, which we have all used at least once in our lives, require production in a specific laboratory.

Doctor Tili has a laboratory perfectly equipped for the production of sterile products , equipped with an isolator (do you know those sealed equipment used in films when you have to handle dangerous substances? Well, the same procedure is also used when we want to protect the substance we are working on from contamination) in which the air recirculation is controlled so as to prevent contamination of the preparation, aided by the action of specific UV lamps that neutralize any bacterial loads .

Sterile preparations such as eye drops for dry eyes, pediatric eye drops and other types of eye drops as well as injectable solutions must be produced in a laboratory with an adequate sterile area to ensure user safety: Farmacia Tili has a controlled air recirculation isolator and UV lamps to reduce bacterial loads.

We talked about eye drops for dry eyes because they are a very commonly used product and are often prepared in galenic form by pharmacies, but another case in which galenic preparations are often used is that of pediatric eye drops: as with other drugs, they are often not present on the market in specific formulations for children.

This is why we turn to the expertise of pharmacies equipped for the preparation of sterile products: in this way it is possible to have personalized dosages and formulations, suitable for the needs of that specific child.

Let's take stock of sterile preparations (eye drops and injectables)

In summary: sterile preparations produced in galenical form by pharmacies range from eye drops (for example, eye drops for dry eyes, curative eye drops with various active ingredients, pediatric eye drops and others) to injectable solutions, in particular intravitreal syringes for the treatment of eye diseases which are usually made for hospitals.

To produce eye drops and injectables in galenic form, the pharmacy must be equipped with a laboratory with a sterile area (called zone A) with a controlled air recirculation isolator and UV lamps to reduce bacterial loads.
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