The change of season is always a delicate moment for our organism: whether we move towards the beautiful season, or (indeed, perhaps even more so) whether we proceed with great strides towards winter, the change in natural rhythms can cause a series of disorders.
The change of season in autumn, in particular, puts us to the test with shorter days, a smaller amount of sunlight and with changes in temperature which can also be very accentuated: almost summer days often alternate with abrupt drops in temperature that definitely bring us closer to winter. A situation that affects the sleep cycle , which can be disturbed and unrefreshing, on mood , vitality and also on the immune system , which can be weakened precisely at the moment in which we most need a ready response to external attacks.
Supplements to deal with the change of season in autumn
As often happens, nature gives us a vast range of possibilities to reduce the side effects of the change of autumn season thanks to a series of remedies that can prove truly effective. We talked about the immune system being put on the ropes, so our thoughts immediately turn to Vitamin C , which has always been associated with the prevention of colds and other ailments typical of this season: an excellent source of natural Vitamin C is Acerola , whose integration can help us overcome the change of season unscathed.
We have also often talked about Vitamin D , whose role as an adjuvant of the immune system is increasingly accredited: since it is an element that our body produces with exposure to the sun and which is difficult to find in food sources, it is easy to imagine how the shortening of the days and the reduction of life in the open air affect the production of Vitamin D.
Other remedies? We can mention Aloe Vera , very rich in vitamins and minerals, which has a restorative effect and helps stimulate the efficiency of the immune system. Echinacea is also useful for strengthening our defenses, while Turmeric , especially if taken in the form of a phytocomplex, works as a natural antibiotic.
Another of the typical effects of the change of season in autumn is the lack of energy: to fill it up we can focus for example on Ginseng , whose energizing properties have been known for a long time.
To deal with disorders related to the sleep cycle we can instead rely on passionflower , which has a calming action and can promote deep and restful sleep, which can truly refresh us and allow us to face the day that begins with the necessary energy. In fact, it is often not necessary to suffer from real insomnia to experience symptoms linked to poor quality sleep: restless nights, awakenings even of short or very short duration, stress, nervousness can significantly influence our rest.