Prostate health is fundamental for male well-being: a problem often shrouded in silence, which should instead be addressed (and prevented) thanks to a healthy lifestyle and phytotherapeutic supplements such as Sereona, a true ally of the prostate.
As often happens, lifestyle plays an important role in the manifestation of pathologies that can have a significant impact on our daily life. Of course, personal predisposition also plays a role that is certainly not marginal, indeed, but correct daily habits can help us avoid or at least delay the onset of these problems: if therefore the invitation to avoid excesses, eat well and exercise is and must always be the first line of prevention, it is equally true that nature provides us with a series of aids that can truly prove precious.
After the age of 50, prostate disorders of varying degrees can affect up to half of men: a healthy lifestyle and integration with phytotherapeutic products such as Serenoa can help the well-being of the prostate.
For example, as far as the prostate is concerned, the name of this “natural aid” is Serenoa . Maybe you have never heard of it: it is an American dwarf palm and yes, it has some really interesting properties.
Prostate Health After 40
After the age of 40, and even more so after 50, the percentage of men who suffer from prostate inflammation or benign prostatic hypertrophy is really significant. These are disorders that affect up to half of the male population and can have a significant impact on both the urinary tract and the sexual life of those who suffer from them, with obvious repercussions on quality of life, psychological well-being and relationships.
Sereona, a help for the prostate
As mentioned above, Serenoa is an American dwarf palm that grows in the coastal areas of Florida. The ripe berries of this plant are used, which are dark red in color and similar in shape to olives. Its properties are so important that they were already known by Native Americans, who used it extensively: they had certainly noticed its effects on urinary well-being, but they also considered it a tonic and energizer.
Serenoa berries help the well-being of the prostate because they act both at a hormonal level and as natural anti-inflammatories. Its effects are proven by numerous scientific studies.
Pelvic pain, frequent urination and, as mentioned above, problems with sexual life are disorders linked to prostate problems that can be effectively treated thanks to extracts of Serenoa berries. The active ingredients contained in them act both at a hormonal level, inhibiting the transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, which has direct effects on the prostate, and as natural anti-inflammatories .
The beneficial effects of Sereona berries on the prostate are documented by several scientific studies and its use is now widely recognized among phytotherapeutic remedies.